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Lik̓ʷala Greetings


Yo                                                     Hello

HÉ™lakaslÌ“a                                          Goodbye

Wixsas?                                            How are you?

Wixsas x̌ʷa ǧəʔalaxÌŒ?                          How are you this morning?

Wixsas x̌ʷa nalaxÌŒ?                              How are you this day?

Wixsas x̌ʷa dᶻakÊ·axÌŒ?                          How are you this evening?

Wixsas x̌ʷa ǧanuÆ›?                             How are you tonight?

HÉ™lakasmÌ“awÌ“isλa                                Goodbye for now


Well wishes

Ê”ik la xÌŒus ǧəʔalaxÌŒ                              Good Morning (good be your day)

Ê”ik la xÌŒus nalaxÌŒ                                  Good Day (good be your day)

Ê”ik la xÌŒus dᶻakÊ·axÌŒ                              Good Evening (good be your dusk)

Ê”ik la xÌŒus ǧanuÆ›                                 Good night (good be your night)

Ê”ik la xÌŒus mex̌ʔinÄ“                              Sleep good (good be your sleep)



Wixsas?                                                  How are you?

Wixst̓əʔas                                               And how are you?

Ê”ixmÉ™n                                                    I am good.

QÉ™lkÉ™n                                                    I am tired.

CÌ“É™xÌŒqÌ“É™n                                                    I am sick.

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