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what is sewn together
In person at q̓əp̓ixʔidaʔas
at North Island College
Monday Nights
for zoom link)
Join us!
Ǧilakasl̓a lax̌a guxʷdəms Lik̓ʷala λu Kʷak̓ʷala. On this site we have come together to share the Lik̓ʷala and Kʷak̓ʷala resources that have been develop by the Liǧʷiłdax̌ʷ. Together, over many years there have been many resources developed by many of our peoples. We are all learning and we know that things have changed and will continue to change. Together we will continue to learn and speak our language.
We are using the alphabet and writing system based in the International Phonetic Alphabet.
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